Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fun with the new camera

The other day I pulled out my new camera, freshly inspired to take amazing pictures of my kids. But I soon realized that I know absolutely nothing whatsoever about my camera or how to actually take pictures that look remotely like something a professional would do. So, I started at the beginning. I read the owners manual! Have you ever read the owners manual of anything you own? Me neither; at least until this camera. And after reading (and skipping) through the manual, it only further convinced my of how little I know about photography. Although I did finally learn what aperture is. (Thank you Shannon!)

Well, my camera is pretty high tech, so I did the best I could. Check it out:

Camden loves our cat, Darcy, and likes to rub heads with him.
Kensi plays with a toy while in the tub.
This one's a little blurry, I know. I am not a professional so don't be hatin'. But I still like this and almost think it has a bit of an artsy look.
Here is the close-up setting on Camden.
Close-up of Kensington. No botox here, baby!
Camden is a natural at this stuff. 
Yes, she is always this happy.
Our big boy Camden. Did I tell you he pee-peed in the potty for the first time today? Milestone!! ...They grow up so fast...*sniff*