Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Kim!!

I enjoyed a night of fun with the girls earlier this week as we got together to celebrate Kim's birthday. Oh, how much fun we had! I just can't even tell you. There is just something therapeutic about being with people who you can trust. People who are on the same page as you; people who you can be yourself around. And when you leave, you leave better. Not "high maintenance" friendships. Just steady, normal, consistent people. Who encourage each other and help each other. And these girls are just that. They are a group of truly awesome women, all successful in their own right. Isn't it great to get to have some free time away from the house and the kids just to laugh? (shout out to the husbands here!) Well I assure you there was plenty of laughing going on. Here are a few of our pictures:

Kim with her birthday cheesecake. Doesn't she look great for 42?
Shannon & Kim pose for a picture.
Me and Erica smiling for the camera.I'm sorry. I don't know how this picture made it on the blog! Oops! This is me, Kim, Shannon and the neighbor boy on his golf cart acting silly. Erica is not in this picture but that is probably a good thing; Erica and I have a history of knocking off the roofs of golf carts. (but that's a whole other story altogether!)

Okay, I was kidding earlier when I said Kim was 42. She's really just 40. Okay, kidding again. She is still a youngin' in her early 30's. I added this last video reluctantly because you can't see anything. Literally, the screen is almost black. (And yes, this is a first for Southern Housewife. I typically don't add videos unless you can see something. Isn't that the point of a video?) However, I added it anyway because you can hear the one thing Kim says in this video and its pretty funny to me. Check it out:

I hope you enjoyed the latest installment of Southern Housewife!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Time in the Nursery

Our kids love the nursery at church. It's a time for them to play with other kids their age, and it's a big room full of new toys. Doesn't that sound great to you? Well, we drop our kids off and pick them up, but how many of us really know what happens in the nursery? Well, my mother and I are now working in the one year old class with the twins once a month, so I got some video footage that you are going to love. Yes, you are going to love it. They are all so stinkin cute you may not be able to stand it. Okay, here goes:

This first video is of Kensi & Camden playing ring around the rosie. Their friend Roman comes over and joins in and Camden and Roman end up in a pile on the floor and Kensi just laughs at them:

Our next clip is from snack time. Kensi, Camden, & Roman are at one table, and Tanner and Hailey are at the other. Wow, these kids love their goldfish!

So, that's what it's like in the nursery with the kids. They all have such a good time. How funny will it be to look back at these videos when they are 18 years old? I have lots of pictures for you to see as well. Take a look:

Kensington, Roman, and Camden discuss politics over their goldfish and apple juice.
Roman says, "You're absolutely right Kensi. We must have immigration policy reform!"
Tanner and Hailey enjoy snack time.
Kensi & Roman hanging out.

Group shot. This is what happens in the one year old class.

Camden & Kensi practice ring around the rosie some more, while Hailey chews on Romans boot.
Here are the kids playing together.

Here's the boyz from the south side rockin' it old school in the nursery.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hello everyone!

Does anyone still check this thing? I think a couple people do because I keep getting asked! Thank you for reading! So its been almost a month since my last post. We've been kind of busy. But that only means there are lots of stories and pictures and videos stored up and waiting to be posted for your daily amusement. I have lots to choose from so let's jump right in. Here are some videos from the past couple weeks:

This cute little clip is of Camden, The Hubby, and Paw Paw chillin' on the sofa watching the Iron bowl. The Hubby is teaching Camden how to cheer for his team:

I was Christmas shopping with my Mom and the twins one day, and we decided to meet up with my Dad and brother for lunch. Here we are having burgers and fries and lots of laughs:

More to come! Keep checking...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

They grow up so fast

Yesterday I took the kids out to get lunch with our friend Leigh Ann. The kids love to get out of the house and so do I. We ate at this great little Greek place I have been anxious to try called The Pita Hut. (cute, huh?) My mother-in-law had told me that she tried it before and that I would probably like it. It was great. (For those of you who live in B'ham, you've got to try it. It's on 280 behind Sneaky Pete's and next to Wal-mart.) Anyway, the twins had such a great time as you will see in the below videos and pictures. Their personalities develop more and more every day. I am amazed at the things that entertain them. They are so funny to watch!

And a special note here: A grateful thank you to Leigh Ann for taking the below videos and pictures of the kids. She really has a great eye for photography.

Our first video installment of the day is me, trying to feed Camden some vanilla pudding quite unsuccessfully:

Did you notice how the pudding is hanging above his eye? In this next clip I am trying to clean it off his face. He thinks this is really funny now.

This next video is one of my favorites. It shows Camden's newly found personality so well. He is laughing at a straw. What is so funny about a straw? Nothing unless you are 1 and half, I guess.

And this last video is of our Kensi-bear playing with her cup and talking:

And now, for some pictures!

Leigh Ann poses with an adorable look from Camden.

Kensi really liked the Greek food. I mean REALLY liked it!

close up of Camden drinking his lemonade.

Camden poses for a quick shot as Kensi looks on.

And this was lunch; Playing with Styrofoam cups the whole time.

Look at our beautiful little girl! Even with food on her face she is such a sweetie pie!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Broken Sunglasses

Okay, I have this pair of sunglasses that I love. I got them last year while we were in Seattle and they have been a prized possession for me ever since then. They are the trendy, Jennifer Lopez type of large sunglasses with gold detailing on the sides. They're functional, beautiful and exciting. Ever since I purchased these sunglasses from Nordstrom I have been more popular, made more friends and had a better life. Okay that's not true but darn it I loved those sunglasses!!!

Well, my daughter broke them today. *tear.* Here are a couple pictures of the damage:

Yep. She snapped the left earpiece clean off. Metal and all.

Poor little sunglasses. Can't you hear the funeral march right now?

Here is a picture taken of me this past weekend at the Auburn vs Tennessee Tech football game wearing my (now unusable) favorite sunglasses ever:

The hubby is taking this picture. That's why his arm looks weird and my head looks big.

We stop for a quick photo on the Auburn campus.

Here are Dennis and Lindsay. They took us to the game and showed us around being that they are both Auburn Alumni. I know you can't tell, but Lindsay is two months pregnant! Congratulations to them both!

Here the Auburn band stands in position to welcome the team to the field. Lindsay used to play the trumpet in the Auburn band.

Here is our view of the game.

Did I tell you that the Hubby is a graduate of Tennessee Tech? He is very proud of his school, regardless of the score of the game and the size of their athletic program. Tech is a very small school but they are one of the best when it comes to Engineering. The hubby's degree is in Mechanical Engineering and he is very good at his job. He's just good at everything he does, really. Except maybe ballet. I haven't ever actually seen him do ballet, but I imagine he and Mikhail Baryshnikov wouldn't compete in the same division if he did.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The yellow school bus

We have this cute little yellow school bus toy that the kids got from their Nana for their first birthday. It teaches the kids letters and words, but also plays the ABC song. The kids love the ABC song. They dance and act silly and sometimes try to sing along and it's really funny. So here are two videos of the kids dancing to the school bus ABC song. First is Kensi, second is Camden:

Movie review soon to follow...the movie I watched and will be reviewing is: Giant!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Welcome Back!

Yes I know. It's been awhile. I do this every now and then. Go a week or two or three; and no posts. Life gets busy sometimes, you know? I have been busy working with NASA to try to get their latest satellite launched and the CEO of Apple keeps calling me wanting me to help him with the newest software release. A girl can only do so much! I had to make time to be with family, first and foremost; and of course catch The Phantom of the Opera downtown. It was amazing. Simply divine. Third row seats! I sit there the whole time imagining myself in the role of Christine Daae; I picture myself singing "All I ask of you" or "The point of no return." I was a music major in college after all. Maybe it could be me up there? Then I sit back and think about what their lives must really be like. Traveling all the time, living out of a suitcase. How often do they get to see their families? They perform for a new audience every night; but like the saying goes, you can't take an audience home with you. Then I look to my left and see the hubby mouthing the words to "Masquerade" and realize that I have what so many people dream of. A gorgeous, wonderful husband (who endures Broadway performances and every Jane Austen movie ever made for me). Two amazing and sweet children, the love of so much family; I am filled with exhilaration and contentment as I realize how happy I truly am with my life. The point of this is to remind myself and you, to take inventory of your life where you are right now, and be thankful for what you have. It's a part of life to have a curve ball thrown at you now and then. Everyone in life does, to varying degrees. But we can't live in the past and imagine all the things that could have been. It's a sad place to be stuck in the "what ifs." We have to move past the wondering of "If only this or that could have happened." Let's live life in the here and now. What about today? Let's make everyday the greatest it can possibly be.

Okay that's all of my when life hands you lemons make lemonade speech. But it's good to remind yourself of it now and then, right? Okay now for some video and pictures!! Yea!

This video is basically just thirty seconds of the kids riding their zebras. They love these things!

Our nephew Trent watches out for Kensi as she climbs in the jungle gym at McDonald's.

Camden has the Frisbee and Kensi wants it. She will probably take it from him.

Or just grab him by the back of the neck and shake him until he drops it...

She gets so thirsty after wrangling that Frisbee from Camden!

Movie Update: I have received my first movie from Netflix that was a reader recommendation. I will not release the title yet, but I have watched some of it and so far and it is really good. Keep checking back and I will tell you all about it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Movie Discussions

I have a subscription to Netflix and have been a member for almost a year now. I love the whole concept. They mail movies to you; you watch them when you want; no late fees, no timetable. Mail it back when you're done. The next movie you have picked out and listed in your 'queue' will be mailed out to you. How easy is that? It's a great way to see lots of different movies. I really enjoy a good movie and I like to keep up with the latest cinema. Everyone has a list of their top five, or even top ten all-time favorite movies. Or maybe you have a special movie that is a "must-see" that people don't really know about. You know, one of those sleeper movies that is fabulous but didn't get a lot of publicity so people don't know how great it is?

Well, let me put this proposal out there to you: Since I have a subscription to Netflix, (and my queue is full of movies made before 1957), why don't you recommend your favorite movie to me? Or your favorite 3 or 5? I will take all suggestions and pick a few; Netflick them, and review it. Sound like fun? It does to me! In the comments section below this post, give me some titles. What are your favorite flicks? Let's discuss them! Now, let me just set up a few parameters to this experiment. First, no horror. It's just not gonna happen. I don't watch movies with bad violence and language and disturbing content. Also, nothing in the Brokeback Mountain genre, okay? Other than that, its all free game. I love classic film, musicals, deeply moving love stories. But I can be persuaded to watch Earnest goes to Camp for the betterment of humankind. So take a few minutes, peruse your DVD collection, and let's grab the popcorn and Junior Mints.

I will list a few of my favorite movies:

1. Jane Austen movies: Pride & Prejudice, Persuasion, Sense & Sensibility, etc. etc. Anything in this genre is tops on my list. I just had to go ahead and get that out there.

2. Casino Royale: Yes, I like some action now and then. And fast cars. Check out Bullitt. (that's for my Dad.)

3. Bridge on the River Kwai: Okay, not really. I put this here for the male readers over fifty. But I have actually seen it. And William Holden is superb.

4. The Bridges of Madison County: If you need a good cry this is your movie, giirrrlll. Everyone knows Meryl Streep is the new Bette Davis. Mmmhhhmmm.

5. JAWS: Anything with sharks, and I am watching. And some shark movies are REALLY corny. Well, just look at this picture and you can visibly see the hinge holding the sharks mouth together:

All that being said, I am anxious to see what kind of response I get. And if the only response I get is The Usual Suspects then I will thank my brother for being a faithful reader. And if I see Groundhog Day then the Hubby is in BIG TROUBLE!!!! Why do you love that movie so much?

A trip to the corn maze

This past weekend we went to this great little corn maze several miles past our house. We went with a group of people from our church and had such a great time. The corn maze itself was really cool. This was the first one I had ever seen and didn't know too much about it. It took us about 15 to 20 minutes to make our way through the maze itself. My brother, however, was stuck in it for an hour! I guess he didn't want to cheat, because all you have to do is cut through the corn rows and try another path. Perhaps he just wanted to have the full experience. Anyway, we had some really fun people on this trip and we laughed all day long. I have some funny little video clips and pictures that I hope you enjoy. If you have never been to a corn maze, it is a blast! Well, on to the videos and pictures!

Here are a series of short clips. This first video was taken when we first arrived at the maze. The guys were goofing around and making everyone laugh:

When we finished the corn maze, we realized there were lots of other activities. There was a small area where there were cows, horses, chickens, turkeys, goats, and other farm animals. Here is a video clip of the Hubby and Jesse watching as Byron makes animal sounds:

Right past the animals was an old outhouse. (Hopefully an out-of-commission outhouse...). The next video is of Byron playing around with it:

Around the corner from the outhouse, there was a huge tower made of hay. You know those big round roll-type things of hay you see when you go on road trips? Yeah, those things. I don't know they're called. But they were stacked pretty high, so everyone climbed on top for a photo-op. Here is a five second video of Byron as he jumps off. You can hear his wife laughing at him as he falls. I love how this video ends with him in mid-air; too funny!

Here are some pictures from our day:

Group shot, as we embark on our journey...

Do you remember Nintendo and Super Mario Brothers? I'm just saying...

There was a cotton field next to the corn; Here Jesse poses with his cotton moustache. What is this fascination these guys have with moustaches?

Here are some chickens. I think? Are they chickens or roosters? I don't know anything about farm animals! I could probably tell if they were in plastic wrap in the freezer section, though.

A picture of some turkeys. There were lots of turkeys there that day. Not pictured: Byron, Jesse and the Hubby.

Now I realize that Byron is in all of the above videos. But for good reason. He's hilarious is why! I mean this is the guy that when asked the name of the machinery that harvests corn says, "Oh yeah, that's called a concubine, right? Not a concubine? It's a columbine! Right?"

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Say "No" to crack!

This little video from this morning doesn't need a lot of explaining. But I think you are really going to like this one! I am laughing as I write, just thinking about it!! These kids are something else, let me tell you:

The kids really love our cats, Lizzy and Darcy. The cats have finally started warming up to the babies as well. Darcy will come around and let the kids pet him and hug him and he's generally okay with the whole thing.

This morning Kensington loves on Darcy

And Camden joins in a group hug for the cat, too.

*I feel I must point out here that the mess you see in this picture is all set-up. In order for the pictures to look real and genuine, I had to place strategic props around the room to make it look "lived in." Because my house is a Southern Living Show home... All the time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Dana Carvey


Broccoli. It's a staple food in our home. When I am going to cook dinner and ask the Hubby what he wants, without fail his answer always includes broccoli. (Thanks to Sesame street and Tara, we know how to spell it now...B-r-o-c-c-o-l-i, broccoli! broccoli!) I used to always give it two L's. Anyway, I cook a lot of broccoli. When I am making dinner and preparing the broccoli for steaming, I seem to end up humming the above little song as I "chop broccoli..." If you didn't watch it, you HAVE to. It's soooo funny!

Well, the other night my Sister-in-law, niece and nephew were over for dinner and of course, we had broccoli. I showed them the video on You Tube and we kept singing it all night, it's so catchy. After a while, the twins started singing it too. It was hilarious, and I tried several times to get it on video. It's not the best, but you can hear them trying to say, "choppin broccoli." Check it:

Well, I also started doing yoga again this week. (I mean, yesterday I tried to do some for about 20 or 30 minutes, and now I can barely type my arms are so sore.) I used to do an hour and a half a day. What happened? Where did I go wrong?
But alas, this must mark the end of my post for now. The kids are napping and this is my window to do more yoga; to torture myself and try to make my legs as sore as my arms, back and stomach. I will keep you posted in case I can't get out of the bed tomorrow...

Friday, October 5, 2007

My brother the Rockstar...

My brother is quite the musician. He plays the 'pianoforte' very well and is quite accomplished. (It's the Jane Austen coming out in me...)Anyway, here is a little musical tidbit for you to enjoy of David singing with Byron and the Surge band. It's about two and a half minutes long, and don't worry; I can't understand a word they are saying either! When you look for David, he's the really tall one. Oh yeah, check your speakers cause it's kinda loud:

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lunch with Leigh Ann

We got out of the house today in a much needed way. We had lunch with our friend Leigh Ann! We went to a great little sandwich shop and Kensi and Camden were nice enough to let me come along. They want all of the attention, you know. While we were there, Leigh Ann offered to get some pictures of me with the kids. Yes that's right, actual pictures of my kids with ME in them, too. I was all over that. She got some great shots and a cute video too. Peep this out:

Well, the kids are in the zone when it comes to giving kisses. They love to kiss each other, kiss Mommy, kiss Daddy, kiss grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Here are a couple pics of Leigh Ann getting in on the action:

I gotta tell ya, when these sweet little faces are turned up to you and those little lips are puckered, you just can't say no; even if they are a little slobbery! Well, I was sure to get as much lovin' from these babies as they were willing to bestow upon me. I am quite fortunate to enjoy the condescention and patronage of Lady Kensington Riley and Lord Camden Everett

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Moose Pajamas

My parents have returned from their trip to the New England area, and they brought the kids the most adorable moose pajamas. Last night we dressed the kids in their new threads and they just knew they were cute so they started doing hilarious stuff. I grabbed my camera and caught them playing together in our bathroom. Camden is spinning in circles and Kensington shows off her vocal talents once again in a rather interesting version of what we think is the ABC song:

And this morning, Kensi really, and I mean really wanted to kiss Camden and give him a hug. She wants to do this all the time. Well now it has become a game to Camden. Look what happens:

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Lunch with Daddy

Today, I got the kids ready and took them to their Daddy's office so we could all have lunch together. The twins are now 19 months old, but they still don't understand a lot of things yet. I guess you could say they don't have the ability to reason, or figure out why we do the things we do. They don't know why I dress them and put their shoes on, but they go along with it anyway. We get in the car; they don't know where we are going nor do they care but they go anyway. And it is so neat to see their faces when we pull up at the Hubby's office and he walks to the car and opens the door. They had no idea where we were going and I doubt they were sitting in their car seats wondering, "Are we going shopping? Or are we going to the grocery store?" But when they see their Daddy's face and hear his voice as he greets them, they get so excited! It is such a special moment. And one day they will be grown up, and will understand so much more. It's important that we teach them now, while they are young, the virtues of compassion, forgiveness, and the most fundamental element of humanity: Love. We have to SHOW them. So that when they are grown they can make decisions for themselves. They won't have to consult anyone else, or find out what their friends think. They will do what's right because it was lived in front of them; it becomes part of them. The Hubby and I love our parents and are so thankful for all we have learned from them. But now we are adults, and make our own decisions. We are blessed to have wonderful parents who taught us those virtues and showed us integrity and loyalty. Kensi and Camden will learn those same principles too, and when they are adults they will make decisions for themselves as well. Not because their parents told them to, but because they will know what is right. Love Never Fails!

Well, while we were at our lunch today, I got some footage of the Hubby giving the kids more lemon. The kids obviously don't like lemons as most kids don't. But they keep trying it anyway! It makes my mouth water and hurts my teeth to even think about eating a lemon. Nasty!

Yes, we had Mexican for lunch. We eat a lot of Mexican. It is so good! I love a good chicken chimichanga. Chicken chimichanga: Say that 5 times really fast! Go!

Well, I just seriously tried to say that five times really fast and it's impossible! I actually filmed myself trying to say it and in a Southern Housewife first, I am posting really bad, goofy video footage of myself trying to say it. See, this is why you keep coming back to this page; you just never know what new way I am going to implore to try to embarrass myself. Well today I succeed! Watch and laugh because I will probably take this down tomorrow:

I don't know if this video will make it until tomorrow...And I don't know who is more embarrassed, me or the Hubby...

Monday, October 1, 2007

Things I learned from my Parents

Now that I am a mother and have kids of my own, I realize how important those things you pick up from your parents are. Things they show you by how they act, not necessarily things they sit down with a PowerPoint presentation to show you. Now sure, my Dad never taught me how to change out the oil in my car or replace spark plugs. And my Mother never had the lesson with me on how to properly julienne carrots; (She probably doesn't know what it is. I'm not sure I do...). But what they have taught me is a fierce loyalty to my family and friends. My parents have been this way with me and my brother our whole lives, and now that I am a mom, I have the opportunity to do so as well. My kids aren't perfect and neither am I. Who is? But when you are family, (and that includes those people you know and love that have become family), you love them NO MATTER WHAT. One definition of loyalty means "unwavering devotion." This steadfastness and constancy I have seen time and time again. Every person on the planet will have the opportunity to be loyal and constant, or desire the loyalty and constancy of others. Be loyal to those special people in your life. Don't hurt those who are hurting by judging. Love your family with an unswerving resolution. One day you may need it.

Here are some fun pictures of the kids from this week:

Our niece and nephew, Haley & Trent, play pretend nap time with Kensi & Camden. "Time to go to sleep!"

"Time to wake up!"

Camden loves blankets. He has started laying on the floor and rolling around to wrap himself up in his blankets. Here, he is on the kitchen floor.

He looks like he is pretend sleeping again.

He laid here for several minutes. He's too cute!

Kensi decides to sit on Camden while he is laying on the floor.

Oh my goodness! That is my princess!!

Camden in mid-sneeze. I love unique pictures...

I guess it feels better to have that out, huh?